Christmas Gift Guide
Christmas is a holiday celebrated all around the world. Even if it is not celebrated, it is very difficult to find a country that does not like Christmas decorations, so basically, anywhere you go in December, you will see Santa Claus and his reindeer.
However, not all countries happen to have the perfect climate for the postcard Christmas atmosphere. Snowflakes and sweaters are not associated with all countries, so it might happen that for some people, Christmas is an association for hot and sunny weather, such as in Australia. In this case, regular presents such as coats, scarves and ugly Christmas sweaters are not an option. If you happen to be from Australia, or you want to buy something for Christmas to gift an Aussie man, take a look at some of these ideas:
Ready for swimming
The truth is that, unlike in countries where it’s cold around Christmas time, there are those places where you can actually take a dive in the ocean or the sea and then go inside to open your presents from underneath the Christmas tree. In case your friend is from Australia, this means that the present of high-quality swimming trunks like a pair of Smithers classic briefs is a great gift. This is definitely something that they will be using and something that is rather fun.
Whip your hair back and forth
Willow Smith might be whipping her hair back and forth, but that is only because her hair quality is amazing. First of all, it might be because she was rather young at the time of the song, but that is not the point. Men want their hair to be of top-notch quality, and this is even more important for Australians as they experience days of heat which can affect the quality of the hair. If you see that the guy you want to buy the Christmas gift for pays a lot of attention to his hair, then a good conditioner, a shampoo or a styling product from gentSac is a great idea. But, bear in mind that the quality of the product matters, so if you want to choose something good, don't compromise on price.
Crystal clear skin
Having crystal clear skin is the ultimate goal of plenty of people out there. However, it seems that women tend to pay more attention to the state of their skin. But the times are slowly changing, and now it is very common that guys pay a lot of attention to their skin as well. Aussie people have to pay even more attention mostly because of the sun and their skincare products have to possess strong protection from the harmful UV rays. This is why good skincare products from Handsome are a cool idea for Aussie men. Do a bit of research, try to find out their skin type and find high-quality products.
Drink it away
Let’s be honest – one of the most original and best presents that you can buy a guy is alcohol. Yes, guys love drinking, and besides that, they do love collecting different bottles of good liquor as souvenirs. In case the guy you are buying the present for falls into this category, then buying him a bottle of booze is an amazing idea. But, since you want to be original, you probably want to buy him something that he will never buy himself. Look no further than Archie Rose distillery, a first-class gin and whiskey distillery based in Sydney. Apart from their award winning botanical blends, they pay a lot of attention to the bottles and the visuals, which is a serious plus when gifting someone something.
Keep it lean
Australians all look amazing. They are generally all very handsome and muscley, so going to Australia is heaven for the eyes. But, in order for them to keep this figure, they do have to work out – and Australians really enjoy it. With that in mind, workout supplements make for an amazing gift for Christmas. Not only will you be giving them exactly what they want, but you will also be giving them something new for their New Year’s Resolution – that is, to work out more and be more effective at the gym. Try to find the best supplements, though, and if you are not familiar with them, try to find out as much as you can about them. Also, if you want to treat them with something different, try Fiftein’s protein enriched gelato as a perfect summer treat as a gift!
It is not very difficult to buy an Aussie guy a Christmas present, but you have to keep your mind open and think outside of the box. Do that, and you will have yourself in the good books already for the following Christmas.
Peter a men's fashion and lifestyle writer at QueerVoices and TheBeardMag magazine from Europe. Follow Peter on Twitter for more tips.